
Ashley Davidoff MD

The Common Vein Copyright 2010


HSG During Menses

This patient presents with infertility. The hysterosalpingogram in the frontal view reveals normal sized endometrial cavity filled with sloughed endometrium (dark maroon filling defects in b). The contrast has been overlaid in a lighter maroon to indicate blood. These are characteristic findings of menstrual products within the endometrial cavity. The Fallopian tubes are patent.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2010 All rights reserved 28208c02.8s

Post Partum

The CTscan is from a 33 year old female 5 days post partum revealing high density material in the endometrial cavity that may represent blood but could in addition represent retained products of conception uterus Free fluid or blood (pale yellow is noted in the cul de sac (d)

Courtesy Ashley DAvidoff MD copyright 2009 all rights reserved 84077c.8s

Post Partum

The CTscan is from a 28 year old female following a cesarian section showing a small amount of blood in the endometrial cavity and multiple large collections in the pelvist. It is likely that the blood is from the incision of the LUS. Hematocrit levels are characterized by sedimented red cells (maroon)/fluid (serum yellow) level. Free fluid (lighter yellow) is also noted.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2009 all rights reserved 84070c.8s